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Expertise France

Job Overview

The programme “Mendami – Strengthening blood transfusion system in Libya” is an activity implemented by Expertise France in Libya and funded by the European Union and France. The programme started in 2019 and will last until June 2021. It supports technical and medical staff in various Libyan blood establishments in their knowledge acquisition process. It will help developing guidelines (i) on the production of blood products and (ii) the use of blood. Finally (iii) it will also help raise awareness on the necessity of free and voluntary blood donations in Libya via sensitisation campaigns.

The general objective of this assignment is to support the administration, manage the logistics and the communication of the programme “Strengthening Blood Transfusion in Libya”.

The specific objectives of this assignment is to (i) organise workshops and trainings in Libya (ii) support monitoring activities (iii) manage the programme closed community on social media.


A: Administration/logistics

-Collect from partners in Libya all requested administrative / accounting / logistic documents and forward them onto EF office in Tunis.

-Take care of the overall logistics of every event EF will organise in Libya for this programme: M&E workshops, training sessions on the newly drafted blood safety guidelines.

-Manage relations with suppliers/service providers in Libya.

B: Networking activities

-Visit on a regular basis the directors of the partner blood establishments (central blood banks, hospital blood banks) and partner hospitals as well as their technical staff to facilitate the implementation of the programme and keep partners updated.

-Attend WHO Health sector coordination meeting in Tripoli

-Support the research programme organised with a Libyan university on the cultural obstacles on blood donations in Libya.

C: Monitoring activities

-Organise a set of workshops in Libya to explain and train staff of partner blood establishments on “monitoring” goals and processes.

-Implement activities related to the monitoring processes:

-Logical framework follow up: ensure partners send data.

-Internal Monitoring of the blood establishments: ensure the trained Monitors perform their monthly visit following the self assessment tool developed by EF and report to EF/MOH.

-External (third party) monitoring of the blood establishments: prepare the logistics of all the missions the entity in charge of external monitoring will carry out.

D: Communication

-Create a basic communication strategy for the programme (targeting health partners in Libya, Libyan MoH, general public in Libya, EU delegation and French embassy etc.)

-Create, manage and animate social media accounts for the programme (facebook page etc.).

-Create and manage closed communities for the program beneficiaries, review and validate requests, filter and post member’s messages. Extract and analyse relevant data on group members.

-Create content in Arabic and English to feed the social media accounts and post documents such as event photos, invitations etc.

-Create and update a press clipping for the program

-With the support of EF Tunis, advertise EF video campaigns on blood donations on social medias and reach out to other stakeholders on social medias to create partnerships during campaigns or events.

-Load relevant medical documents and guidelines on blood safety on the facebook page for all partners to use.

-Send questionnaires and polls to group members when requested by M&E consultant and Programme Director.

-Ensure the programme’s visibility in Libya (based on EU rules).

E: Deliverables

-A monthly “one pager” report covering all tasks undertaken,

-Design a simple communication action plan for the duration of the programme,

-Design and implement at least 3 communication campaigns per year,

-Social media feeds are up to date,

-At least 6 workshops, if domestic travels are made possible,

-Up to 3 videos are released on blood donations and blood safety.


  • Degree in Business management or related fields;
  • Medical background is a strong plus;
  • Proficiency with social medias and innovative communication tools trending in Libya;
  • Willingness to travel in Libya and to Tunisia;
  • Fluency in English and in Arabic.


Duration: 6 months renewable

Period: Starting mid March 2020

Location: Libya with mission to Tunisia

Time sheet: The PO will present a monthly time sheet which will be signed by the programme director.


A: Draft Report

The PO shall submit a report every month including, but not be limited to:

-List of (key) meetings and persons encountered.

-Description of activities performed and results achieved.

-Recommendations and/or remarks on the implementation of the activities, as well as on the implementation, further assistance, or for evaluation of the programme.

-Description of any difficulties encountered in performing the mission.

B: Language

The working language of the programme and the language used in all reports and communications between the PO and the team shall be English (UK spelling preferred). Arabic is also a requirement to be used in day to day activities

C: Confidentiality

The consultant hereby undertakes to maintain confidentiality and not to disclose any information during and after the completion of the assignment with respect to all business matters of which he learns during his time with the programme and the outputs that are developed. Permission must be obtained from the programme before any publication.


To apply please send before February 17th, 2020 to the following address: recruitment.health-libya@expertisefrance.fr

  • a CV without cover letter.
  • one brief paragraph of ten lines maximum explaining what are according to you the factors limiting individual voluntary and unpaid blood donations in Libya and how these challenges could be overcome?
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Libyanjobs.ly part of the Libyan Investment Website Co for E-commerce
AL Amrus Road, Souq Al Juma, Tripoli – Libya

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