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DevOps Engineer

Job Expired

Job Overview

The best candidate will be able to:

Analyze current technology utilized within the company and develop steps and processes to improve and expand upon them, establish milestones for necessary contributions from departments and develop processes to facilitate their collaboration

Assist other department engineers in creating practical demonstrations of proposed solutions and demonstrating them to other members of the team, provide detailed specifications for proposed solutions including materials, manpower and time necessary, and provide clear goals for all areas of a project and develop steps to oversee their timely execution

Work closely with engineering professionals at Shetewy Pay to maintain hardware and software needed for projects to be completed efficiently, plus mentoring and training other engineers throughout the company and seek to continually improve processes companywide, along with working alongside project management teams to successfully monitor progress and implementation of initiatives

Qualifications for DevOps Engineer

– Experience developing engineering applications for a large corporation

– Demonstrated project development and leadership skills

– Master’s degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering is preferred

– Current understanding of best practices regarding system security measures

– Advanced education and application of business analysis techniques and strategy

– Experience with software engineering, customer experience and code engineering preferred

– Experience working together with teams from several departments to facilitate the orderly execution of a proposed project plan

– Professional experience and a high-level understanding of working with various operating systems and their implications

– Professional work experience in team building and project organization

  • This job has expired!

Contact us

Libyanjobs.ly part of the Libyan Investment Website Co for E-commerce
AL Amrus Road, Souq Al Juma, Tripoli – Libya

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